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Themes - the innovation station


Shaping the future is not only about digital. 3D-printing, industry 4.0, smart materials, the future will look different too!

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Artificial Intelligence

Where machines with weak (or narrow) AI focus on applying intelligence to one specific problem, without the presence of self-consciousness, machines with strong AI have a certain self-consciousness and their intelligence can be applied to a variety of ‘problems’. The public opinion is that real strong artificial intelligence hasn’t been achieved yet, as that would mean that a machine’s intellectual capability is functionally equal to a human’s. However, in the following we’ll make the distinction between machines/software that are made for a specific tasks and machines/software that appear to have a consciousness.

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Augmented Reality

Augmented reality technology connects reality and the virtual world. 'augmented' actually means an enhanced or enriched reality and that makes sense because AR technology adds a layer of digital content to reality. Augmented reality lets you fully interact with both worlds. Remember the Pokémon Go hype in which you could see Pokémon in the real world via your smartphone?

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The first mention of Blockchain technology dates back to the end of 2008 when the unknown individual Satoshi Nakamoto published the paper ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’. A few months later, in January 2009, he released the Bitcoin software to the public. But what is this chain of blocks, how does Bitcoin fit in and what are smart contracts?

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​The digital world affects everything and everyone. New players disrupt industries. Big or small, high-tech or low-tech: get inspired by the people, companies and technologies that shape the future.

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Unidentified Flying Objects! They're among us! Watch drones changing commerce, transportation, media... anything!

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Kids can study online, are taught by robots or become teachers themselves; will teachers become obsolete in the coming decades? Education of all kinds of levels is going digital and global. The Internet is key: from teaching each other how to successfully complete a game by means of a walk-through video, to Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) which allow you to enroll in a Cambridge course from your living room. What’s happening in the field of education & innovation?

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We all need energy! But where to get it, how to make it, distribute it and use it the smartest ways? The problem is clear, but what are beginnings of a solution? Do you know good examples of green and clean energy?

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Fashion is a global industry which has been developing itself for ages with the purpose of comfort and beautification. More recently, the focus has shifted towards producing sustainable clothing and connected clothing.

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Bitcoin or barter trade, one thing is for sure, there will be huge changes in the way we deal with money.

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Food & Beverages

Technology moves into the kitchen. And innovation into the production process. A channel on everything from 3D food printing to computer assisted cooking to sustainable and healthy food for everyone. Sit down and watch or add the videos you know and like to The Future of Food.

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Gadgets are cool! Gadgets are useless! Gadgets make life more fun! Yes, we all want gadgets, even if it’s just to play with it once and then throw it away. They are fun to have and fun to give away. Some of them are expensive, some are really cheap. Some make your life easier, some just clog up the room or look pretty. ​Innovation should be fun too!

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Death as an option, bionic people, super humans, printed body parts. Everything seems possible. But how?

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Home & Living

Will we all live in smart cities in the future? Or will we go back to nature? Connected? Off the grid? Fully self sustaining or getting everything delivered on demand?

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Internet of Things

Internet of Things, Internet of Everything or whatever is it is called, all people, devices , houses, cars and other things will be connected via internet and communicate with each other.

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Learn from the pros. Masterclasses on tools, cases and strategies.

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New technologies provide new ways of transportation. Or make current ways smarter or faster. Where will technology take us?

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Innovation in music is about more than just new instruments and tools to produce music; it’s about new channels of distribution, new ways of experiencing (live) music, dealing with the digital revolution and how that threatens intellectual property rights and putting human creativity up for discussion.

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The study of nature, from plants and soil, to humans and wildlife has always played an important role in the field of science. As humans we have a huge impact on the planet, more often than not, in a negative sense. It has been estimated that by 2050 the Earth’s human population will exceed 9 billion. Where does the food comes from to feed all those people? Where do they live? How can they coexist without destroying the habitat of many animals or natural resources? And how will their lifestyles impact the climate change?

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Watch videos about innovations by and for refugees

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Both in the physical and the digital world, more and more is done by robots. Be amazed by what they already can do and surprised by what they will be doing in the near future.

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Sharing Economy

Sharing Is Caring! The pros, the cons, the problems, the solutions, videos about the sharing or collaborative economy.

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Smart Cities

Exponential urbanization and continuous digitization are two of the main principles behind the concept ‘Smart Cities’. Smart Cities is a vision on how the Internet of Things (I.o.T) and an integration of ICT-infrastructure will benefit city management and thus its residents. Give smart leaders access to smart technology and cities around the world will become more appealing, sustainable and livable.

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Social Innovation

All innovations have an impact on society implicitly. But innovation can be used explicitly to break barriers and enforce social change. We call that social innovation.

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Watch videos about space exploration, travel, colonisation, asteroid mining and the latest in rocket technology.

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Even when you think this generation of athletes is the absolute best in their field, future generations will blow us away anew, setting new records. Speed, height or distance, every dimension and record will be conquered again. Many sports records have been broken in the last decade to an ever increasing advance in sports technology.

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Sustainable Diets

Sustainable Diets is a Hivos-supported channel about new ways of producing, distributing, cooking and consuming healthy, diverse and sustainable food. How to realize food and nutrition security? How to guarantee an affordable and nutritious meal for everyone? Where are innovative consumer alternatives for current mono-cropping, processed food and boring meals?

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The Unsorted

This is where you find the videos we have not been able to add to a theme yet, or are so unique that they are unsortable.

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TIS Specials

This theme contains all videos curated and created by TIS: interviews with key note speakers at innovation events, summaries of monthly themes and mini-docs from reporters all over the world.

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Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-simulated reality that replicates an environment that simulates a physical presence in places in the real world or an imagined world, allowing the user to interact in that world. Virtual realities artificially create sensory experiences, which can include sight, touch, hearing, and smell.

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